Not a single Protestant truly believes in Sola Scriptura. They may preach it, they may claim it, but they don’t actually mean it. What they are really saying is “Scriptura Nostra”—Our Scripture. That is, only the version of Scripture that they have approved.
And why not? The Mormons do the same thing. They claim their version of Scripture is God-breathed because it aligns with what they believe. But let’s be honest—if I handed a conspiracy theorist a book and told them there was a hidden code inside revealing the meaning of life, they’d find one. Even if that book was just a stack of glossy wedding magazines.
The point is simple: there is only one complete, God-breathed canon for Christians. If you aren’t using it in its fullness, then you don’t have Sola Scriptura—you have Diluta Scriptura—watered-down Scripture.
So stop standing on your soapbox, pretending to be something you’re not.
For the full canon of Scripture as affirmed by the Councils of Hippo (393 AD) and Carthage (397 AD)—which recognized the Greek Septuagint (LXX) as the authoritative Old Testament used by Christ and the apostles—you can find more information here or by searching for the Canon of Carthage (397 AD).